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  最新消息 - 申請業餘電台牌照/操作授權證明

填寫本表格前,請你閱讀以下資料。業餘電台牌照申請指引刋載於通訊事務管理局(通訊局)網頁(http://www.coms-auth.hk) 。
1. 業餘電台牌照是發給擬在香港管有、設置及維持業餘電台的人士。
2. 業餘電台牌照年費為港幣壹佰伍拾元正。
3. 操作授權證明 (ATO) 是發給擬操作已領有牌照的業餘無線電設備而本身不管有任何業餘無線電設備的人士。簽發費用為壹百
4. 申請時需要提交以下證明文件影印本。
(a) 香港身份證或護照;
(b) 監護人的香港身份證或護照 (如申請人未滿18歲) ;
(c) 下列其中一種文件 -
(i) 通訊局發出的香港業餘無線電證書;
(ii) 顯示你已在由獲承認的本地機構所舉辦的業餘無線電考試中取得及格成績的證明文件;
(iii) 由參與歐洲郵政和電訊行政會議(CEPT)第 T/R 61-02 號建議書的國家所發出的綜合業餘無線電考試證書(HAREC)
(iv) 由中華人民共和國工業和信息化部發出的業餘無線電台執照和由中國無綫電協會發出的業餘電台操作技術能力證明-
業餘電台操作證書 (操作證明)

(v) 業餘無線電考試(倫敦城市工聯會)證書;或
(vi) 其他當局發出並獲通訊局承認為等同香港的業餘牌照的業餘電台牌照。
(d) 莫爾斯測試的及格證明 (如有) 。
5. 填妥的申請表格,請以下列方式提交。
(a) 親自前往或郵寄至通訊事務管理局辦公室(通訊辦)牌照組,地址為:香港灣仔皇后大道東 213 號胡忠大廈 26 樓
(b) 傳真至 3155 0932
(c) 電郵至 ama_enq@ofca.gov.hk
(d) 使用本表格的「提交」按鈕作網上申請
6. 所需證明文件,可於網上提交申請時按照指引上載或以下列方式提交。
(a) 親自前往或郵寄至通訊辦牌照組
(b) 傳真至 3155 0932
(c) 電郵至 ama_enq@ofca.gov.hk
7. 接受以現金、支票、「易辦事」或銀行本票付款。如以劃線支票或銀行本票付款,請註明抬頭人為『通訊事務管理局辦公室』。
(a) 如親自前往通訊辦牌照組,接受以現金、支票、「易辦事」或銀行本票付款
(b) 如經互聯網、郵遞、傳真或電郵提交申請表格,可郵寄劃線支票或銀行本票至通訊辦牌照組
8. 辦公時間為星期一至五上午八時三十分至下午十二時三十分及下午一時三十分至下午五時四十五分,星期六、日及公衆假期休
9. 如有任何查詢請電 (852) 2961 6278。
1. 透過本表格提供個人資料,屬自願性質。若你沒有提供足夠資料,通訊辦可能無法辦理你的申請。
2. 你所填寫的個人資料,將被通訊辦用以處理你的申請。
3. 你在本申請表上所填寫的個人資料,可能會披露給其他與評審申請有關的政府部門/機構。
4. 你有權要求查閱和改正你的個人資料。你查閱資料的權利包括取得本申請表上所載個人資料的副本,惟索取這些資料時或須繳
5. 如對透過本申請表所收集的個人資料有疑問,包括如何提出查閱和改正個人資料的要求,請以書面方式向通訊事務管理局辦公
室個人資料主任提出,地址為香港灣仔皇后大道東 213 號胡忠大廈 29 樓,傳真號碼 2591 0316。
6. 請把你的操作授權證明放在安全及穩妥地方。

持有A類內地業餘無線電台執照及操作證明的人士,只可申請香港業餘電台牌照和/或授權證明於 50.00 - 51.50 MHz、 52.025 -
52.11 MHz、144.0 – 146.0 MHz、430.0 - 431.0 MHz 和 435.0 - 439.8 MHz 的頻帶內操作業餘無線電設備。
OFCA A201 (15)
Please read the information below before completing this form. The "Guidelines for Application for Amateur Station Licence" is published at the
Communications Authority’s (CA’s) website (http://www.coms-auth.hk).
1. The Amateur Station Licence (ASL) is issued to a person to possess, establish and maintain an amateur station in Hong Kong.
2. The annual licence fee for an Amateur Station Licence is HK$150.
3. The Authority To Operate (ATO) is issued to a person to operate licensed amateur radio equipment without possessing any amateur equipment. The ATO
is valid for 5 years and the fee is HK$160.
4. Photocopies of the following documents are required to support this application.
(a) Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) or passport;
(b) HKID Card or passport of the guardian if the applicant is below the age of 18;
 (Note: If the applicant is the holder of the ASL and Amateur Radio Operation Licence stated in paragraph (c)(iv) below, the applicant and his
guardian can submit photocopies of the Mainland Resident Identity Card and Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and
Macau/other travel documents instead)
(c) One of the following documents -
(i) Hong Kong Radio Amateur Certificate issued by the CA;
(ii) Documentary evidence showing that you have passed a radio amateur examination conducted by a recognised local organization;
(iii) Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC) issued by an administration participating in the European Conference Postal
and Telecommunications (CEPT) Recommendation T/R 61-02 together with documentary evidence showing that you will stay in Hong Kong
for a period longer than three months;
(iv) ASL issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China and Amateur Radio Operation Licence1
issued by the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club.
(v) Radio Amateur’s Examination (City & Guilds of London) Certificate; or
(vi) ASL issued by other administrations and recognised by the CA as equivalent to the ASL of Hong Kong.
(d) Documentary evidence showing that you have passed an amateur Morse test (if any).
5. Please return the completed application form by any of the following methods.
(a) Application in person or by post to: Licensing Office, Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA), 26/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road
East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(b) By fax to 3155 0932
(c) By e-mail to ama_enq@ofca.gov.hk
(d) Use the “Submit” button in this form to submit the application online
6. The required supporting documents may be uploaded following the instruction if the application is submitted online or submitted by any of the following
(a) In person or by post to Licensing Office of OFCA
(b) By fax to 3155 0932
(c) By e-mail to ama_enq@ofca.gov.hk
7. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, EPS or bank draft. For payment by cheque or bank draft, please make the crossed cheque or bank draft payable to
"Office of the Communications Authority". In case overseas bank draft is used, it must include any additional charges incurred by our local banks.
Payment methods:
(a) In person to Licensing Office of OFCA, you may pay by cash, crossed cheque, EPS or bank draft
(b) If application is submitted online or by post, fax or e-mail, you may send a crossed cheque or bank draft by post to Licensing Office of OFCA
8. The opening hours are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm Monday to Friday. The office will close on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.
9. For enquiry, please phone (852) 2961 6278.
Notes about Personal Data
1. The provision of personal data by means of this application form is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, OFCA may not be able to
process your application.
2. The personal data provided by you will be used by OFCA for processing your application made in this form.
3. The personal data you provide by means of this form may be disclosed to other government departments/agencies in connection with the assessment of
your application.
4. You have a right of request for access and correction with respect to personal data. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your
personal data provided by this application form, though a charge may be levied on obtaining such information.
5. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the making of request for access and correction, should be submitted in
writing to the Personal Data Officer, Office of the Communications Authority, 29/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong;
or sent by fax to 2591 0316.
6. You are advised to store the ATO card in a safe and secure place.

 Holders of Category A Mainland ASL and Amateur Radio Operation Licence are allowed to apply for Hong Kong ASL and/or ATO for operating amateur
radio equipment in the 50.00 - 51.50 MHz, 52.025 - 52.11 MHz, 144.0 – 146.0 MHz, 430.0 - 431.0 MHz and 435.0 - 439.8 MHz frequency bands only



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